Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Daily: Three Taps Gone Wrong

On Monday, I was working on my three taps and I eventually had them on lock. I still wanted to make them cleaner so I kept on practicing which proved to be a poor decision for me. I'm not sure exactly what I did wrong, but the end result was me falling on my head and almost blacking out. My head hit really hard and my vision went blurry for a quick moment, but luckily for me, I didn't black out. I crawled over to the shade and lay my head down because I didn't know what else I could do. My head was throbbing, my elbow was stinging, and my ankle was aching. It was just terrible. After what seemed to be forever, my head stopped throbbing and I went home. The moment I got home, I iced my neck but unfortunately for me, I didn't feel any better. My neck is tweaked right now and it hurts to look to the left. Even though it is better than yesterday, it still stings and I am not riding until I fully recover. Hopefully this isn't to long and on the bright side, this will mean I'll have more time to blog and it will allow me to focus on school because finals are coming up.


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