Sunday, January 2, 2011

Red Your Dead Conflict Proto 2

Red Your Dead just posted some pics of a 2nd proto version of their conflict frame. I'm not really sure how I feel about this frame. They've released information that it is a 700c frame but their sponsored rider, Sean said its a 26" specific frame. If its a 700c frame, they should build it up 700c for people to see not 26". If its a 26" frame, then it really needs some work. They can shorten the chainstay a few centimeters for one, that big gap looks awkward and wouldn't have that tight geometry feel FGFS bikes should have. It would be also quite difficult to wheelie with that long of a chainstay. I also don't understand why they don't build it up with their own Chaos Wheelset, that would make it look a lot less cheap. The stem and grips also look cheap and overall, they haven't impressed me anymore than they did with the original prototype. In my opinion, it still looks like a bike you can get from Wal-Mart. Now enough of the negative, the frame has negative bb drop and is fully heat treated so if they fix a couple of things on the frame, it should be pretty solid.

Photo Cred: Red Your Dead

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